Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Contact Mary Beth at office@augustanalutheran.com or 402.551.4728 or
Pastor Jan at pastorjan@augustanalutheran.com with questions or to offer your gifts in service at Augustana.
Many ways to serve including:
Church Council & Committees
Worship (Altar Guild, Usher, Communion Assistant, Reader, Acolyte, Cantor)
Music (see separate tab under Ministries)
Newsletter Design/preparation
Offering counters
Asst Financial Secretary
Help with Lehr Library
Lead Adult Forum
Teach Sunday School
Funeral luncheons
Emmaus Ministry - visiting homebound members
Potluck (1st Sunday of the month) set up/clean up
Meals to sick
Transportation for those who can't drive
Project Embrace (see tab under Ministries)
Community Gardens
Repairs/Maintenance on building
Yard maintenance